Google Material UI preview as a BackEnd Developer

M Bilal Alpaslan
2 min readJan 14, 2023


Sorry this is my first english article

This is my first preview for Material UI as a backend developer. Before I dont have a strong CSS or UI/UX abilities and searching methods or library to save me write lots of CSS. Firstly I try bootstrap, Sass and Tailwind. Maybe Tailwind rescue me to write CSS but also need short learning curve, all in one, production-ready, mobile-first responsive components. Yes I am too lazy to write CSS directly. But I found Material UI and comes to more easier UI component library it’s my favorite.

Official Documentation is very well documented and many people look at that include me.

Beautiful by default as said in docs. Most library comes unstyled as default and you must change this but Material design default components looks nice and modern.

Nice otocomplete for most components. This is very useful like me who don’t read the docs well and jump into the coding suddenly. Sometimes I learn some properties with using otocomplete and go to source, read source codes and comments. And I am reading I realise this library have a nice abstruction for extensibility and costumization.

Also have extention for Figma, Adobe XD and Sketch. Draw and export as a Metaril UI components but I don’t used yet.

Docs includes developers every need to learn, use, develop this library. Example project source codes, example components, components API. And there is Material Icons. Huge icons library(2,114 icons now) and I love it. You can search and find bests icons for you.

Also I search Vs code extension for otocomplete and prevision before use it and I don’t find yet but if there it would be awesome.



M Bilal Alpaslan
M Bilal Alpaslan

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